Founders Day


Our school and community are amazing places thanks to those who contribute in so many ways to make our children's lives better. Every year, at the Founders Day celebration, PTA recognizes individuals who have made an exceptional effort to improve our children's educational experience.


PTAs throughout California give Founders' Day awards “in special recognition of outstanding service to children and youth.” The PCY PTA Founders' Day Awards celebrate the achievements and dedication of PCY staff members, parent volunteers, and/or community members.


2022 Founders Day Award Recipients



Sara Gardner

Honorary Service Award


CURRENT ROLE:  Staff Member: Teacher


ABOVE & BEYOND:  Sara has been a beloved teacher at PCY for 22 years!  She has taught first grade for 8 years and kindergarten for 14 years.  Sara has served as a grade level representative and team leader throughout her career at PCY.  Her colleagues find her to be a wonderful team player; always so helpful and willing to share her fantastic ideas to help foster whole-child learning.  What impresses many is her passion for teaching younger children through her creativity and positivity.  Sara is known to be an amazing artist and shares her love of art with her students.  Her class is always doing fun art projects.  Sara has always been a patient and dedicated teacher with a kind and gentle heart.  


LIFE HIGHLIGHTS:  Sara has four children- three boys (two are twins) ages 24 and 22 who graduated from CVHS and are taking classes at GCC and one will be attending CSUN next fall.   She also has one daughter who is 16 and is a sophomore at CVHS.  Sara enjoys doing art, playing games, puzzles, reading, going for walks with her husband and dogs.  She also loves going up to her family's home in Lake Arrowhead.


Megan Kirkendoll

Continuing Service Award


CURRENT ROLE:  Staff Member: School Psychologist


ABOVE & BEYOND:  Megan has been a School Psychologist for 16 years and is currently at PCY and Foundations Preschool.  She also worked as the School Psychologist at Palm Crest (6 years) and LCHS 7/8 (7 years).  Her knowledge and expertise combined with her warm and uplifting personality have been such an asset to her team.  Megan is beyond generous and is always willing to help others.  She is extremely supportive to her peers and actively looks for ways to better the lives of the students.  Megan always goes the extra mile and does it with a wonderful attitude and smile!


LIFE HIGHLIGHTS:  Megan has two children- one in 8th grade at LCHS 7/8 and one in sixth grade at Paradise Canyon.  Outside of school, she enjoys reading, hiking, snowboarding, travel, and spending time with her  loved ones.  Megan’s colleagues describe her as one of the funniest, smartest, most caring, and compassionate people they know; and say she also has the gift of rap -ask her to do 8 Mile with you - she kills it!



Paulla Ewoldsen

Honorary Service Award


CURRENT ROLE:  Staff Member: Paraprofessional 


ABOVE & BEYOND:  This is Paulla’s 7th year as a Paraprofessional at PCY.  She finds it a privilege to work with students who have learning differences.  Paulla is kind, considerate, and compassionate with all students.  She advocates for the students she works with, anticipates their needs, and communicates with the teachers about students in the classroom who may be having a bad day or need assistance.  Paulla is such a cheerleader for the kids and recognizes their strengths and makes sure to acknowledge children “caught being good."  Out on the playground, she recognizes children who help others and assists those who may need a helping hand.  


Paulla is a go-getter, dedicated, compassionate, and such a hard worker! She is a team player and creative with the way that she works with her students.  Paulla is truly an amazing woman with a heart of gold.


LIFE HIGHLIGHTS:  Paulla has two adult children, both of whom graduated from LCHS.  She enjoys listening to '80's rock, walking around Descanso Gardens, and spending time with her family.





Erica Gross

Honorary Service Award

CURRENT ROLE:  Parent Volunteer

ABOVE & BEYOND:  For the past 10 years, Erica has given her time freely to PCY and it’s community.  PCY has been lucky enough to have Erica say “yes” every year to jobs from Room Parent to Library Volunteer to Lunch with Teachers.  She held the PTA Board position of EVP Recording Secretary, co-chaired 6th Grade Fun Day, and is famous for her Staff Appreciation coffee cart.  Erica generously gives her time, energy, and love to all those around her.  She has a quiet way of making everyone feel loved and taken care of; and she does it with grace and a beautiful smile.  It is with great honor that we present her with this award!  


LIFE HIGHLIGHTS:  Erica has three children; a daughter in 6th grade at PCY, a daughter in 8th grade at LCHS 7/8, and a daughter in 10th grade at LCHS.  Erica enjoys traveling, cooking, reading, and taking walks with her husband and dog.

Sara Michelson

Honorary Service Award

CURRENT ROLE:  Parent Volunteer

ABOVE & BEYOND:  A handraiser when it comes to anything volunteer-related at PCY,  Sara has been a room-rep since her son Max, now a 6th grader, was in 1st grade.  She also served as Corresponding Secretary on the PCY PTA Board for two years from 2019 - 2021 where she led the charge awarding PCY Unsung Heroes.  In addition, she chaired the PCY Founder's Day committee from 2019 - 2021, co-managed the Country Fair Store booth in 2021, and she volunteers in the PCY Library.  Sara is an amazingly generous person.  She gives from her heart and is always the first to volunteer in any way possible.  PCY is so lucky to have her!


LIFE HIGHLIGHTS:  Sara has a son in 6th grade at PCY.  She is on the executive leadership team of Ayzenberg, an advertising agency in Pasadena, leading the Human Resources division.  When she isn't working or volunteering at PCY she can be found watching her son, Max, play baseball or at a Dodgers game. She went to almost all of the Dodger home games last season!  

Founder's Day Legacy

A list of past recipients can be found here.

For questions or more information: 

Email Amar Singh Malik at 

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